Witcher 3 siege of la valette
Witcher 3 siege of la valette

Fenn, come with me.įOLTEST: I've a mission for you, one suited to your abilities. He's under guard below.įOLTEST: You've some work to do, commander. Finally mumbled something about a passage 'neath the walls.įOLTEST: It would take a week to get a battering ram in here.įOLTEST: That will also take time, but what other course do we have? This priest? What of him? What of this passage?įENN: He fainted 'fore I could really get going on him. SOLDIER: Likely in the church as well, Sire. SOLDIER: Fighting for the castle continues, and a group of rebels have barricaded themselves inside the monastery. No reason to dawdle.įOLTEST: Ha! And they said we couldn't get near the walls! Half a day and the town is taken!

witcher 3 siege of la valette

Fate has not been kind to me.įOLTEST: Hah! Norman Sador, for your years of faithful service to the Crown, I appoint you decurion of the arbalists!įOLTEST: Onwards, gentlemen. GERALT: Too often they take me for someone I'm not.įOLTEST: What do they call you, soldier? Wait! You served with me at Brenna and during our foray into the Pontar Valley. GERALT: Forgive me, Excellency, but I plan to leave the royal court as soon as possible. SHILARD: Master Geralt, I wish to converse with you once the storm of battle has subsided. SCARRED SOLDIER: Those who did this live no more! SHILARD: And what say you, Your Grace, of soldiers who inflict them? I gave the baroness those ballistae two years ago, for her birthday.įOLTEST: What say you, Excellency, of men who live in spite of such wounds? SHILARD: I had no idea Your Grace was a learned military engineer.įOLTEST: I'm not. It simply cannot hit the same spot twice. Well, now we dunno what to think.įOLTEST. GERALT: Though it failed to protect the shrine from your patrolling. Barely three of the others still standing when a dragon swooped down, the elves fell to their knees, and we all legged it.

witcher 3 siege of la valette witcher 3 siege of la valette

Ah, the wonders we saw! First ran into some Squirrels, vicious ones, arrows flyin' everywhere, but we came through untouched. In any case, we took the amulet and went off to find the rest of the patrol. KENNET: Aye, he still cuts 'em down with a single wallop. KENNET: Shut it! Boholt had one of his rare moments of clairvoyance, went rummaging in the shrine and found the amulet.ĭESBRUT: Who knows what goes on in that head of his, but every now and then he wakes up as good old Boholt. They were nice, smiling and all.ĭESBRUT: We done wanted to take them two on patrol, ooooh, but.! KENNET: We were on patrol, see, and ran into a couple of novice priestesses praying at this shrine.

Witcher 3 siege of la valette